Thursday, May 19, 2011

Intro post

On Monday, May 23, I will take off towards the Oregon Coast, Crescent City CA and Grants Pass Oregon, without any schedule. I am attempting to do this trip in my best Steve Cain style, that is to say, get where I get, stay where I stay, whenever I get there.  We will see how it goes. I plan on posting as often as I can with pictures and some narrative. I will have an iPad, so I will be able to put up some pix and provide riveting commentary on all of my fascinating adventures during the day. I hope for many comments, as I will anxiously await their arrival on the blog!  

More to come.


  1. Kevin-last time I followed your adventure I was riveted! I look forward to the next great adventure. Be safe!

  2. Kevin: Good luck and travel safely. I will look forward to read your riveted commentary of tour dayly adventures, but not anything else.
    Have a good time.

  3. Sounds fantastic. I like the serendipitous approach and look forward to reading about it. Stay right-side up! --Lorraine

  4. Have a great trip! I look forward to your pictures and stories! Ride safe Uncle K-Van!! :)

  5. Let's see some pix of your bike and equipment for the ride.

  6. Alan-things aren't too different from what you have seen previously. I have 28 lbs, including panniers, of stuff to take with me. Pictures will follow tomorrow. I'm thinking that this trip will be an exercise in clouds, fog and rain. Bit I'm pretty sure that it will be more fun than most days at work. I will post details about that. I do think that Monday night is a night is at the Monte Square, with dinner at the Italian place in Montesano. Of course, breakfast at the Beehive.

  7. Kevin, I look forward to following your adventures! The ride should be beautiful even if it is wet!

    The Prime Rib on Saturday night was awesome!
